Celebrating 200 Years
2025 marks Monroe Street United Methodist Church’s 200th anniversary. Join us as we celebrate the many blessings God has given us during the past two centuries. God has been present with us and challenged us to “Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). We continue to be a community that lives out Jesus’ teaching that where two or more are gathered in his name, he is with us.
Our History
- The church began in 1825 when a Methodist circuit rider stopped in what would become western Toledo and offered to share the Christian gospel with people.
- A log cabin near Ten Mile Creek (now known as the Ottawa River) served as the first meeting place.
- In 1859, Monroe Street built its first church at the corner of Auburn Avenue and Monroe Street.
- In 1925, the congregation built a new church and classrooms at our current location.
- In 1955, the sanctuary where we currently worship was added.
- Our outreach to the community includes but is not limited to The Neighborhood Center, Bluff Street Village, Jobs with Justice, The NW Ohio Interfaith Council, and Freedom School.
We have many events planned throughout 2025 to celebrate our past and present and to prepare for what God calls us to do in the future, including:
- Dedicating a new quilt made by members and friends in honor of our church
- Celebrating those who were married at Monroe Street UMC
- Recognizing past clergy
- A community picnic
- Hosting a choir reunion weekend (including a music service performed by current and past choir members)
Watch for updates and additional events throughout the year.
200th Anniversary
Calendar of Events
We look forward to everyone’s participation in what promises to be an exciting 2025 for Monroe Street United Methodist Church.
Details and additional information about each event to follow. NOTE: Other events may be added.
Quilt Dedication Sunday and Second Sunday Potluck.
Sunday, January 12
Volunteer sharing a special moment and or memory about the church.
Sunday January 20
Celebrating those who married at the church and opportunity for vow renewal.
Sunday, February 16
Volunteer sharing a special moment and or memory about the church.
Sunday, February 23
Volunteer sharing a special moment and or memory about the church.
Sunday, March 23
Celebration Service — Invitation to former ministers to attend.
Sunday, April 6
Volunteer sharing a special moment and or memory about the church.
Sunday, April 27
Volunteer sharing a special moment and or memory about the church.
Sunday, May 25
Community picnic.
Sunday, June 8
Volunteer sharing a special moment and or memory about the church.
Sunday, June 22
Volunteer sharing a special moment and or memory about the church.
Sunday, July 27
Mission Ministry Sunday and Volunteer sharing a special moment and or memory about the church.
Sunday, August 24
Choir Reunion Weekend, Sunday Musical service. Luncheon to follow.
October 11 and 12