Quilt Celebration
As part of our year-long 200th-anniversary, we held a quilt celebration on Sunday, January 12.
The beautiful quilt contains 134 squares with the names of members near and far, along with program ministries, including the Monroe Street Neighborhood Center, celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary. The patchwork design has multicolored and solid squares, and the border is a cascade of red, yellow, and black.
The quilt project began nearly a year ago and was led by Peg Hull and Marcia Frederick. Many members’ hands have touched the fabric to make the wonderful quilt design. Sewn with love and commitment, the quilt represents the entire congregation. Peg Hull pieced the quilt together, and Marica’s cousin, Judy Cote from Onsted, Michigan, did the quilting. The quilt will reside at the back of the sanctuary for all to enjoy.
In addition to the quilt dedication, a banner and over 30 fleece blankets were presented. The beautiful banner was designed and created by Becky Coger. And church members and friends completed the blankets for donation to the Monroe Street Neighborhood Center and other outreach programs.